Thursday, June 28, 2007

Monday's rest day stretched into Tuesday. Often, if I don't exercise, I feel exhausted at the end of the day. Tuesday was no exception!

Wednesday was an awesome training day, I am thinking the two rest days in a row did me some good. I went on a mountain bike ride with J. It was a great ride. The views were not good at all because Teton Valley was full of smoke from forest fires in Wyoming. This picture didn't come out as well as I'd like. This is J coming up Deer Hunter Loop trail. Not only is she a really good mountain bike rider and enthusiastic, she also made a donation to the NADF!! Yeah!

I came home and rested a bit with Zane. We played a little Monopoly and he's currently winning.

The smoke cleared up and cloud cover moved in, perfect timing for my run. There are so many old homesteads and so much old farm equipment around here that it makes running interesting. The view of the Tetons is always changing when you move around the Valley so it's great to be able to see that too.

L, I want you to know I was thinking about you while I was running! I was talking to you too. Wish you could have joined me!

Monday, June 25, 2007

"Rest" Day

Sunday, my husband Paul and I ran for a while. It was hot and it caused me to become a little nervous about the triathlon. I will need to figure out how to be more comfortable in the heat! After the run, I loaded up into a minivan with my best girlfriends and we drove to Pinedale, Wyoming to pick up S's child. It was a nice break to spend 6 hours knitting and chatting with my best girlfriends!!

Also, the 15 mg extra of HC was a good amount to bump up for the 80 mile bike ride with a nasty headwind. I was tired and slept well on Saturday night. I was less sore on Sunday morning than I was on Saturday morning! Wooo Hoooo!

Today was a rest day and I'm trying to get paperwork and emails taken care of.

A thought:
I received an email from someone who sounded very down. My intent with this blog is NOT to make anyone feel bad about what they can't do. My intent is to show sick people that there is hope to live an ordinary life (and to get healthy people inspired to get out and appreciate the health they have!) and to raise money to support the NADF.

We all have mountains that we want to climb, sometimes the mountain is literal, sometimes it's figurative. All we can do is set goals and create steps to reach the goals. If we don't reach the goals, that's ok!

A quote: "
It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it." - Arnold Toynbee

If you're not happy with your health or health care, I encourage you to get a second or third opinion (or 4th or 5th...). Study (see the research links to the right), learn, research, reach out, question authority. DON'T SETTLE for less of a life than you deserve and want. There is so much you can do, it might take time but you will find different options through research.

I'm off my soap box for now.