Monday, October 8, 2007

If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes

This morning, taken right out my back door. Beautiful view!

Same view a few hours later.

My mistakes yesterday

This might be interesting to Addison's people, it might not.

Yesterday's run was AWFUL for me. I was totally wimpy. I got home last night and realized what my problems were after I thought about the run and looked at my numbers from my heart rate monitor.

1) No food plan
2) No med plan
3) No hydration plan
4) I came into the run dehydrated

Basically, I set myself up to fail. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

If you have Addison's (and maybe if you don't), you need to think through all of the above items before doing anything that is beyond your usual activity level. It doesn't matter if you're running, on a busy vacation, cooking Thanksgiving dinner or working in the garden. If you're doing an activity that stretches you, you've got to keep the above items in mind.

I learned my lesson and I won't take a long run as casually again!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Not a good run but some good pictures

Allison, Colleen and I set out on a 16+ mile run that was supposed to be a 20. Colleen split off from us a little early and Allison and I continued on. Allison was running strong but I was whiny, gimpy and an all around big baby. She was very nice to me and didn't leave me even though she very well could have.

Our version of church differs from many people's version of church BUT we all start out in the same place!

A, D & the Teton River

One of two bridges that didn't exist any longer. We had to modify our route and return to the car a different way since we didn't feel like swimming.

A typical view - beautiful mountains in the background, shot up appliances in the foreground.

The highlight of the run. I found $2.00! I'm usually relatively ecstatic about pennies or nickles. Dimes and quarters make me squeal with glee. Dollar bills! I screamed!!! I gave Allison one dollar. I think we're professional athletes now, we got paid one dollar each to run. That comes to six cents a mile!

Beautiful, prismatic fall colors.