Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Probiotics for what ails you

Here's some probiotics information that I lifted directly from my website.
Sorry for the rerun but I think this information is extremely valuable.

My personal opinion is that probiotics are vital to our health. I am not a doctor so you will need to do some research on your own and determine whether or not probiotics will help you. Below are some links to reputable journal abstracts so you can make up your mind on your own.
PREVENTING AND TREATING THE SIDE EFFECTS OF ANTIBIOTICS this article is written specifically for children but it's got some great information that could be applied to adults as well.
This is a minuscule sampling of the abstracts available! I collected this information in one hour!
To search more abstracts: PubMed or Medscape
If you feel probiotics will work for you and your doctor tells you they will not, I encourage you to do the following:
  • Find the relevant journal article
  • Print out 2 copies. Be sure to include citations so your doctor can see that this is a journal abstract he/she should read
  • Highlight the relevant information on your copy and the doctor's copy. The relevant information are usually the title and conclusion
  • Give the doctor his/her copy at your appointment
  • Give the doctor a chance to skim the abstract
  • Ask the doctor why the research is invalid if he/she disagrees with you
  • Ask the doctor what the harm would be in trying probiotics
H. pylori & PROBIOTICS
  • Probiotics for prevention of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis: a review. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2006 Aug;58(2):266-72. Epub 2006 Jun 21. Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=16790461&ordinalpos=4&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sprint Creek Hike Up/Slog Down/Snowmobile Ride/Run

I had a long run to do on Saturday so Allison suggested we go up Spring Creek again. Our husbands decided to snowmobile up there at the same time we were up there.

It was snowing lightly down here in the valley. Our "run" up was a hike due to the large amounts of snow that fell on the Western slope of the Tetons. The sun was shining some of the time and it snowed the whole time. We hiked/marched/slogged through the fresh powder while trying to walk on snowmobile tracks.

From an Addison's perspective, this was a very successful outing. I hydrated well (drank about 100 oz of water), ate before I was hungry and took enough HC to keep me from having any lows. My attitude stayed good, even when I was cold. When my attitude gets awful and I feel super tired (I often have an attitude that's awful, that alone is not a sign of failure in hydration , nutrition or medication!), it's a sign that I have failed in hydration, nutrition or medicating.

Sun shining and snow falling

Me telling Allison that we were NOT at the top, we were just stopping for a photography break.

Marching through the snow. The powder was deep!

Allison marching up. The horizon you can see far in the background of the picture is Teton Valley. We were only half way up!

Looking down into the Spring Creek drainage where our guys were snowmobiling.

View from the top of the hike. Looking down into Darby Canyon.

9,432 feet high. A vertical elevation gain of 3,200 feet! Not bad for a winter hike with only sneakers on.

Standing on the edge at the top of the ridge.

View from the top, the trees are much shorter up here than farther down and they're twisted and dead too.

This is the view on the way down. We couldn't see our foot prints from our hike up. It was snowing pretty hard. We stayed on top for too long without moving much. On the way down we got COLD and the run/march/slog was tough because of the new snow. Luckily, our men bumped into us (not literally) with their snowmobiles right when we were both miserable. We got a 2 mile snowmobile ride and ran to the bottom.

This is what it looks like when you're riding on the back of the snowmobile. 21 seconds.

Allison running down Spring Creek. I was holding the camera on top of my head, facing backwards that's why the video is so bad! 16 seconds.

Sprint Creek Hike Up/Slog Down/Snowmobile Ride/Run

I had a long run to do on Saturday so Allison suggested we go up Spring Creek again. Our husbands decided to snowmobile up there at the same time we were up there.

It was snowing lightly down here in the valley. Our "run" up was a hike due to the large amounts of snow that fell on the Western slope of the Tetons. The sun was shining some of the time and it snowed the whole time. We hiked/marched/slogged through the fresh powder while trying to walk on snowmobile tracks.

From an Addison's perspective, this was a very successful outing. I hydrated well (drank about 100 oz of water), ate before I was hungry and took enough HC to keep me from having any lows. My attitude stayed good, even when I was cold. When my attitude gets awful and I feel super tired (I often have an attitude that's awful, that alone is not a sign of failure in hydration , nutrition or medication!), it's a sign that I have failed in hydration, nutrition or medicating.

Sun shining and snow falling

Me telling Allison that we were NOT at the top, we were just stopping for a photography break.

Marching through the snow. The powder was deep!

Allison marching up. The horizon you can see far in the background of the picture is Teton Valley. We were only half way up!

Looking down into the Spring Creek drainage where our guys were snowmobiling.

View from the top of the hike. Looking down into Darby Canyon.

9,432 feet high. A vertical elevation gain of 3,200 feet! Not bad for a winter hike with only sneakers on.

Standing on the edge at the top of the ridge.

View from the top, the trees are much shorter up here than farther down and they're twisted and dead too.

This is the view on the way down. We couldn't see our foot prints from our hike up. It was snowing pretty hard. We stayed on top for too long without moving much. On the way down we got COLD and the run/march/slog was tough because of the new snow. Luckily, our men bumped into us (not literally) with their snowmobiles right when we were both miserable. We got a 2 mile snowmobile ride and ran to the bottom.

This is what it looks like when you're riding on the back of the snowmobile. 21 seconds.

Allison running down Spring Creek. I was holding the camera on top of my head, facing backwards that's why the video is so bad! 16 seconds.