Monday, December 15, 2008

Busy weekend

Colleen "streaking".  Colleen's going to run one mile every day for a year.  Go Colleen go!!

Friday - Hospital Christmas party
Saturday - Run with Colleen and friends watch UFC
Sunday - Run, go out to lunch, recycle

It was really cold while I was running on Sunday.  The temps were between 5 and 15 degrees F.  Although it was very cold, I was still sweating and the sweat was freezing inside my jacket.  Above you're seeing the lining of my jacket.

Sunday on the Pass, there was only one accident that I saw.

The Wyoming state line on Teton Pass.

See the chicken wire covering the crumbling rocks?  The wire keeps rocks from landing in the road.

Yahoo!  I made it from my house to Wilson, Wyoming.  It was  a little more than I had expected to  run but a great accomplishment.  Despite the traffic on the Pass, most drivers were VERY considerate and gave me a wide berth.

Carbo loading and replacing electrolytes at the Stage Coach in Wilson.

I couldn't help taking this picture, so Wyoming.  The truck is filthy from mud, the truck is accented with cammo, the kid inside is dressed in cammo and there's a 4 wheeler in the back of the truck!

Once again, only in Wyoming.  Horseshoes ready to be recycled.