Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mish mash

Fall in Idaho

We've been so lucky to have such beautiful fall weather. No snow yet, very unusual for this time of year. I'm recovering from the GTR very well except for the migraine that sent me to the ER yesterday morning. I woke up with one hell of a headache and nausea. Right after I threw up, I decided not to try to be tough and just went to the ER. I got some antinausea drugs and hydrocortisone and something for the pain. I went home and slept ALL day and then got a small migraine this morning. Fortunately, it's not affecting my to do list today.

It's been a busy week with lots of activities, work and volunteering. Below are some pictures from this week.

OK, this one's from last week. It's Tony Portera and I finishing the marathon. 76.2 miles in a weekend!

Tuesday - Mrs. Smith orienting Teton Middle School's 6th grade at the TMS Library's Grand Opening. This is my 5th year volunteering at the Middle School Library and I still love it as much as I did when I started. Mrs. Smith is AWESOME!!

Wednesday - Joanne LaBelle and I clear flagging from the Mill Creek and Cold Springs section of the Grand Teton Races Course. I used my BOB Trailer for the first time and now I'm excited to do some bike packing with it, it worked great.

Joanne's really happy to clear flagging.

First frost, I call this horsie popsicles.

My dog Dolly likes boas too. Her birthday is tomorrow, she'll be seven.

Blue Heron looking over Teton Springs golf course.