Friday, November 18, 2011

Bye-bye Idaho, Hello Florida!

Oh Aspen Trail, I will miss you!

It's happened, we've moved. It was a quiet and uneventful deal.  Zane is living with his Dad and is oh so close to graduating from high school in Idaho.  Paul did all of the driving for the 2,500 miles, I can't pay attention enough to drive a 26' truck that's towing a car. We drove from Friday afternoon to Wednesday evening.  The dog is completely traumatized and doesn't know what's going on still.

I really like it here, it's warm!!! I'm having some trouble getting into a routine.  Without routine, everything seems so overwhelming.  I am trying to get exercise, chip away at what needs to be done and make future plans.  I'm not sure what I want to do when I grow up.

More hydrocortisone is needed for me on a daily basis.  I've been running again in preparation for Ancient Oaks 100 on December 3rd in Titusville, FL.  I have NO illusions about this one.  I will probably not finish. Invitations to this race were sent out a little later than I had expected and I didn't think I was in so I continued my "resting".  I'm in the race, I'm happy about it.  I will see new parts of Florida and meet some legends of the ultraworld.  It will be fun regardless of my performance!!

I got a little side tracked above, I probably need more HC on a daily basis with the running, yoga, moving stress, and some stomach problems I've been having.  I just started taking more today.  I probably should have been taking more starting a couple of weeks ago.  I've been barely staying awake until bed time.  One night I fell asleep after 8 pm.  I can only sleep for 7 or 8 hours before I wake up so I was wide awake at 4 am!!!  No good!!

I'm glad we are here.  I have so much to do, so many details to take care of.  It will all get done much more slowly than I think it will!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Idaho house packed up

Moving truck packed as can be

Sunset in Missouri, as seen from a moving truck.

New back yard!  New view!  Yes, I've already rigged up a system for pool running.

Our neighbor, an endangered Gopher Tortise
