Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Great day, epiphany, inspiration

Tuesday was a great day.  Bright sunshine, wonderful run and stunning views.  I also got to run on pavement.  Probably not a big thrill to some but I'm tired of the "dreadmill" as my friend Lora calls it and I'm tired of ice and cleats.  Running on the pavement was an exciting change of pace.  I felt good on this run and was much faster than I though I was.  I've got a new Garmin 305 and it's a fun toy.  Among other things, it tells me what my pace is.  It also beeps at me if I slow down too much.  Here's where the ephipany comes in.  As some of you might know, I was griping that I couldn't find a training partner.  Well, I gave up on trying and actually set some boundaries for situations that made me feel worse rather than happy.  One person told me she "knew I was lonely".  I realized yesterday with the sun on my face and beautiful view in the distance that my interest in finding a training partner wasn't because I was lonely but because I was uninspired!  I love doing things with others, it inspires me to try harder and do more. 

My new watch is giving me a thrill and inspiration that I haven't had in a long time.  I think it's the spark that I needed to keep me from driving myself crazy.  It "yells" at me when I go too slow.  I like that kind of inspiration!  Until I find someone who can show up for adventure and exercise at the same time, I've got new inspiration, views of the Tetons, an iPod, my Garmin and my camera so I can record the fun!

View of the Tetons, blue sky and pavement!

Snowmobile tracks 400 feet below

Elk and deer tracks on the hillside


  1. Hi - wow, did not know there were blogs out there for athletes with Addison's disease. I have both addison's and type II diabetes. I am training for my 1st marathon on early may. My longest run so far has been 11 miles and I will do 13 on Saturday. Do you do anything special (other than florinef)to reatin sodium/fluids? I was curious is you have done salt-tablets are anything else to help avoid dehydration on long runs.

  2. Hey bogie,

    Pip's Squeek's blog (listed on the right hand column of my blog) is another Addisonian with a blog. There's another guy that runs long distances and he's got a blog too but I don't know the URL. I always make a med plan for my runs.

    You might want to post questions on my forum:

    Here are some good blog posts about how I've adjusted my meds for various distance races:

    What I did for the NYC Marathon:

    For a 50 miler:

    Emergency care instructions:

    Letter I always submit to the Medical Director:

    Emergency Injection kit:
