Saturday, August 27, 2011

After two weeks of lots of running, the taper for Wasatch has begun.

"He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."
Albert Einstein

The last two weeks have been full of running and picture taking.  Last week, I opted to spend 4 days in the Teton backcountry so I could appreciate the scenery.  Wasatch is on September 9th.  My training has not been as rigorous as it's been in the past but my body is not achy and sore, so that's good.  I'm in denial about all of the preparation I need to do for the race.  Maybe I'll get on it tomorrow...

My pretty, new sneakers.  Clean and shiny. 

My tent for 3 nights.  Flat ground is nice.

The next morning both my sneakers and socks were wet.  I had to cross Moose Creek a mile before the campsite.  On the way back out, I got smarter and put my flip flops on so my shoes stayed dry.

Looking back on Moose Meadows toward Taylor Mountain.

Moose Lakes are at the base of this little mountain.

Granite Creek patrol cabin.  It looked like it was infested with mice.  Yuck.

Grand Teton and Spearhead. 

Still so much snow in the high country!

Beautiful wolf track

Taylor Mountain from Coal Creek Meadows

Garns Mountain from Relay Ridge Trail

Lodgepole Pines in South Fork of Cascade Creek

Elk Flat from Blacktail Loop.  This is my current computer background

Damn, one week and look what I do to sneakers!

Zane and his girlfriend, McKensie

Zane's first day of his senior year at alternative high school


  1. Run on, Dusty. I do the same thing to my tennis shoes. Two days in and they look terrible! It was muddy running today nd my white shoes look...well dark gray!

  2. You need to change the spelling of "roll" in your description of Addison's disease. It should read "role", not "roll".

    It will make your blog look better if you correct this.


  3. Fixed, thanks Amanda. I must have been hungry when I wrote that!

