Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hi all, I'm down in Salt Lake City "camping" at the KOA.  Tomorrow morning at 5 am, I start Wasatch!

I signed up for this race in January, I was accepted via lottery in early February.  It's so easy to think you can complete something like this in February when September is so far off.  Elise got in too and since February she's had a broken foot and gotten squished by a horse and had some chest trauma.  Unfortunately, she's just getting her grove back and won't be joining me.  I'm doing this whole thing solo and I'm really nervous!!  I came down a day early which has been wonderful and less stressful than the usual drive down, hit the meeting, pin the number on, sleep and get up to do the race.

Any how, I'm feeling sick and excited about this.  It's like when you know you're going to go out and really, really tie one on. There are going to be some awesome, memorable moments, great pictures and "I love you Man!" Then, on the flip side, you know you're going to end up vomiting and you know your body will ache from a night on the bathroom floor.  The pictures of the bender could be great and put in the scrapbook or you might burn them.  It all depends on how the night progresses.

I'm hoping for a 36 hour finish.
Here's my pathetic pacing chart.
You can compare this to my actual and computer projected times here:  
"Camping"  Water, electric, internet, showers, hot tub.  Not exactly roughing it!

Sleeping in the back of the car (to avoid tent and tent set up) watching the Big Bang Theory.

Prerace meeting at Sugar Hill Park
The Capitol building

Paul patiently models the hat I will wear.

TTFN, more pictures next week!


  1. Run on, my friend. Sending you happy wishes and hoping for a great race!

  2. Paul looks so CUTE!! Good luck Dusty, please be careful.

    Love, MOM
