Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why I'm thankful

Thanksgiving is over and I'm sitting here thinking about what I am thankful for.  I thought I would share my thankfulness list with all of you.

I'm thankful for:

  • a son who loves me and misses me terribly
  • a husband who supports me, loves me and doesn't get between me and my crazy ideas
  • a new home.  It's warm here!  I love warmth and sunshine.
  • new friends who included us in their family Thanksgiving.  Everyone was so nice and there was no drama!  What a great way to spend the evening!
  • my Addison's community.  You are wonderful and thoughtful and supportive.  I am so grateful for all of you.  I'm constantly stunned at the generosity and kindness that you show me.  It's often totally unexpected and always makes my day!  You are the very best part of Addison's.  Without this disease, I would have never met any of you.  Thank you Addison's!
  • friends in Idaho and around the world (you know who you are).  Thank you for being there for me, loving me and being like a nice family to me.  I hope that you all know that you are amazing and I miss you so much.  You are the family that supports me, loves me and takes care of me
  • the Internet for keeping me connected with the people who love me and care about me
  • salt.  Cause I love salt and I'm thankful for it!  Salt is the second best part of Addison's for me
  • Dolly, our dog.  Cause she's cute, sweet and only wants to be near us
  • my Life.  It's good and I'm thankful for that
To those of you to whom I owe an email or letter, I'm getting there!  I am trying to respond to emails today and tomorrow and the next day.  Do me a favor, don't email me back too quickly!!!!!!!!!!! :)