Tuesday, July 5, 2011

So much to run, walk, hike and so little time!

Snow is finally melting.  Now it's flooding the trails and the highway!  This picture is taken from MD Nursery's entrance looking south on Highway 33.  This was Thursday or Friday and there's just as much water there as of this morning.
The weather has been spectacular!  Finally I've got an opportunity to get out on some trails.  Due to lack of running partners, I'm getting the dog out more.  Probably a good thing since bears don't care for dogs.  

Inevitably, it will snow again in 60 days or less.  Wasatch is in 65 days.  I need to strike a balance between running, riding and exercising and not getting hurt so I can do my best at W100.

My thoughts have been turning to how grateful I am that winter is over and the beautiful magic of Teton Valley summer is here.  I'm grateful that I have my health, an enthusiastic dog, my wonderful, supportive husband and a good camera.  Thanks to all my Addison's friends and running friends who I always think about on every run.

Arrowleaf Balsamroot on the hillside of Aspen Trail right before dropping into Darby Canyon

Aspen Trail before dropping into Darby, looking out at Victor, Idaho

Beavers working their magic in Corral Creek

Big Hole Crest Trail looking south to the Pallisades.   I really like this picture.

Yes, it's the Tetons again.  After 15+ years of looking at it, I don't get tired of it and I won't stop taking pictures of it either!  Magic!

:12 seconds of cuteness (Dolly) sliding around on snow

Pasque flowers.  Wait a second, aren't Pasque flowers spring flowers???  South Fork of Horseshoe.

I was trying to go up here, see the trail below the ridge?  No, too much snow.  I was trying to go to Elk Flats where the flowers are usually SPECTACULAR this time of year.  They are covered with snow now, I would suspect.

This snow turned me around at the Relay Ridge/Elk Flats junction.

In Grand Teton National Park at the Phelps Lake  junction.

Static and Allbright Peaks in Grand Teton?

Only in Jackson, Wyoming would there be a snowcat being towed around in July!


  1. Amazing photos as always! I went for an adventure run on Sunday and took a few photos, but I wasn't really happy with how they turned out. Plus it was stupidly muddy on the ascent part of the run and I was too busy trying not to fall over. I was on my own and a bit nervous about injuring myself. Marathon training starts next week!

  2. Pip,

    I look forward to seeing your pictures when you take them! Enjoy your marathon training. What marathon are you doing and what's the date? What training program are you doing? Is Duck making one for you?

