Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer in Teton Valley = Nirvana

I've been feeling well and getting out, seeing great things, smelling mud, trees and flowers.  I'm on day 514 of my mile a day (walk or run) streak!  Yay!

Big Hole Crest Trail.  Flowers and a great view.

Pole Canyon.  2.8 miles up the trail.  I skirted off to the left and over the hill...

The view from the top of the hill.  Then I went down the other side and had to cross...

See my foot prints on the bottom left hand side?  It was a little bit dicey but I did it anyway.

I rode my bike from the airport in Jackson (to drop a car for a client) to Wilson where my husband picked me up.  What you see in this picture are the Tetons in the background and the Snake River in the foreground.  It's muddy and HUGE!

 Sunday I went from Corral Creek to Looking Glass Creek.  It was a great day.  I noticed all kinds of tree graffiti and took pictures of the best of the graffiti.  A bear from 1984.

Teton Valley is Oh So International, Peruvian and Chilean sheep herders inhabit the Teton back country.

 Cicada coming out of it's exoskeleton.  Cool!

 A bench between trees.  This was about 6 miles in.  I sat here and ate lunch.  While sitting there, some motorcyclists rode by.  They looked surprised to see a woman in a pink skirt sitting on a bench between trees in the middle of nowhere!


  1. I love the pictures and I love being outside. I got your card,my friend. I know your birthday is coming up. I wish we could celebrate together!

  2. Gorgeous! I'm always envious of photos of big fields and wildflowers, because wildflowers aren't really a thing here in New Zealand. We have lots of green stuff, but not a lot of (native) flowers.

  3. Linda, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish we could celebrate together too! Come on up, you are always welcome!!!

    Pip, I had no idea you don't have wild flowers. When the flowers start blooming (spring's about a month off), I will take pictures of the fields of flowers for you.



  4. Great pictures, Dusty. did you get a new camera? the colors seem better.
