Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Shit you see on a run

This is a license plate that I saw a couple of weeks ago.  I think it's a really good motto for all people, healthy and chronically ill (like me!).  For two years now, since February 13, 2010, I've been walking a mile a day minimum.  A mile a day might not seem like much but it adds up to 730 miles over the last two years. Because my friend Steve has inspired me with his 400 day running streak, I've upped the ante and I'll be RUNNING one mile a day.  I really, really encourage you to start your own exercise streak.  If you set your goals attainable enough, you can feel like you're accomplishing something when you streak!

Below are some random pictures of what I've seen during my walks and runs.  Enjoy!

Yeah, this guy was at the gym but being at the gym and sitting on a ball doesn't make you lose weight or get in shape.  You have to Move It!!!!!!!

My husband is a Giants fan, I took this for him.

Really?  Only one girl?

Mole cricket, ewww.

I haven't found any money at all during my runs here.  A 4GB thumb drive, working lighters, etc but no money.  I  LOVE finding money.  Well, I was having a bad day and found this haul over a couple of miles! Finding money will turn your day around.

This is pathetic and I'm going to email the county about it.

Yes, I'm pervy.  I call this, Unintentional Statue Porn.

So many turtles in the waterways.  Very cool!

A nice, fresh bong.  I could have smoked up right then and there if I had any dope.

Funny, I was thinking about Barkley when I found this.  At Barkley, you have to rip pages from books (with appropriate titles) as assurance that you've completed the entire course.  This one, "If Tomorrow Comes."  Appropriate for Barkley!

This person needs to revise the writing on the sign!

From a morning run, very different view than I'm used to for the last 25 years.  I'm not complaining, just pointing it out.


  1. That last photo.. I'll bet you're missing your hill training! One of these days you're going to run Rocky Raccoon or Umstead.. and when you see the hills there, you'll remember the Tetons and say something like, "you call that thing a hill? that ain't a hill!" and you'd be right! then you'll start climbing it..

  2. Steve,

    Funny you'd say that about hills. That picture is taken from the highest point around. About 50 feet above sea level. I think my house is at 25! Not much rise, eh?

    I'm going to run in the mountains of Tennessee and Virginia for the next 10 days. Can't wait!

    Thanks for inspiring me to make my streak a little bit harder and more interesting!


  3. yes! the flatlands photograph had me forget to mention how excited I am that you are upgrading your streak! I remember when you started 730 days ago, I was in the midst of one of my ill-fated <100 day streaks. Super-impressed that you've kept it going, especially with that Wyoming winter! And now that you're running, you'll be up for some well-deserved recognition in a year - a listing on the US Running Streak Association's web site!

    You'll enjoy Tennessee. Those mountains are awesome. Even though they're too low to have a treeline, they really reminded me the big mountains out west, even more so than the Presidentials. Super-steep hills, and possible 5000-foot climbs. Awesome.

  4. oh, and by the way - while you're in Virginia, try to make it to Mt. Rogers - My favorite state highpoint East of the Mississippi! (And I've been to all ~28 of 'em..)

  5. I love founding money! I always stop and bend to pick it up, no matter how serious a workout is:) Loved the pervy picture, and the bong reminded me sad things. Way to go with a streak! I know a guy who had finished his after some 30 years or so, the RD of Escarpment 30k in NY. The stories of what he had to do to squeeze in 2M (his minimum for the day)...
