Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 5

"I wanted to let you know that due to all the donation we are going to have enough funds to create CD's to hand out to the EMS Personnel at the conference. They'll include information about treating AI." -Jennifer Knapp of AUI, the organization for which I'm fundraising.

Yay!!! And thanks to you all!!!

Time started: 3:00 am, trip to Walmart on the road for reals at 3:45
Time finished: 4:15 pm
Finish location: Columbia, TN
Mileage today: 35
Cumulative mileage: 179

Treasures: the beautiful moon, a shiny quarter at 3:00 am, a heron silently flying over Little Swan Creek, perfectly located, clean and full of toilet paper Port-a-Potties, finding an Icee (like a slurpee), being in bed by 6:30 pm and eating in bed. Naresh Kumar's race pictures of the race on FB.

Today was tough. I'm fatigued. Luckily, I was able to complete enough miles to keep moving forward. We got a taste of the Vol State heat. My feet still hurt but are better. I will turn my socks inside out, they seem to be more comfortable that way, go figure.

The pre-dawn hours were perfect. Clear skies and start. There was some fog stuck to the hills. I saw two deer in a field, it was just like the beginning of the Bambi movie (before anyone gets killed), I saved a turtle from the road too.

That Icee was really good.


  1. You are doing amazing, Dusty!! Thinking about you all day (*morning*) long. Take care and drink lots of Icees!

  2. I'm so impressed by you and your determination! And the fact that you can find a quarter on a road in the dark.


  3. Go are awesome. Have never met anyone with the determination you have. Love that you are finding "money"!


  4. Hey guys, it is Dusty's Birthday today, the 17th. I hope she has a wonderful birthday. Love, MOM

  5. Happy Birthday, Dusty!! I hope today is great! My son keeps asking how far "that woman" is running and is so am I!


  6. Happy Birthday Dusty! Great work with raising the money for the CDs. I was always amazed that my friend had to explain her medical background to first responders has she was getting help from them. Education is huge thing for the first responders to know about A.I. Thank you for the update! Keep it up! Love the Icee reference! Your AWESOME we are enjoying this adventure you are on! …Keep’in tabs on you from So. Cal.

    Gabe Figueroa

  7. Happy Birthday Dusty! What a way to spend it. Following your progress and cheering to the end. Just keep going forward.

    Terry Cash

  8. Happy Birthday Dusty!!!! Take care in the heat and humidity today

  9. Aww, happy birthday. You are so great! Hope the feet are holding up at this point and hope you get a chance to celebrate at some point. So many great things you've done with your life and shared your gift of knowledge with others. MollyMc

  10. Wow! You are just amazing. Good luck on the next days. And a happy birth month to you as well.

