Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 3 - Day 4

Thanks to each and everyone of you who have donated to AIU! You are saving lives! We've hit $5,000 toward the $7,000 goal. If you haven't donated and want to, click on the FundRazr link on the right.

Day 3

Finish time: 8:30 pm
Finish location: Commodore Hotel, Linden, TN (Highly recommended hotel if you're going through Linden)
Total mileage: 42 or something
Cumulative mileage: 125
Treasures: so much money in and around Lexington!, the lady that gave me peanuts and cold water, hanging out with John Price for many hours (he was incredibly patient about the whining about my feet), hanging out with John at the LDS church (FOR YOU KIM!), the Appalachian Trail through hiker who set up a great "aid station" on the side of the road and using a dryer on my soaking wet clothes at the end of the day. All the horses and ponies that ran along the fence lines and whinnied.

My goodness, the skies opened up and it rained. Most of us have trashed feet now and are walking funny.

Day 4
Start time: 4:00 am despite 3 am wake up (rough morning)
Finish time: 11:30 am
Finish location: Hohenwald, TN
Total mileage: 19
Cumulative mileage: 144
Treasures: Having TP when I needed it most, seeing the teeny tiniest baby deer with its mama, my son finally texting me after 2 days of no texts, cool temps in the morning, Showering, washing my stuff thoroughly, taking an ice bath and having dinner with Jan Silverman (who had never done an ultra distance before she did this race.

Today was short, it was all I could handle. I'm topped off and ready to go tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a really long day, 56 miles. I may start a little earlier. I may not!


  1. Oh, Dusty, your poor feet! I am glad you were able to get some rest today. You are amazing! Tomorrow will be a great day!
    (Sorry if this comes through twice).


  2. Dusty, I wanted to let you know that due to all the donation we are going to have enough funds to create CD's to hand out to the EMS Personnel at the conference. They'll include information about treating AI. You are doing great! Get those feet some rest.

  3. Sexy feet :-) :-) ... Bogie

  4. Dusty thank you so much...words can't even express how I feel about what your are doing for our AI community. You are a power and force to be reckoned with and I am so amazed by your tenacity and spirit. Thank you from my whole family and for the future knowledge and awareness that you are helping create. With all my heart...Kirsten Norgaard...AIU President

  5. Dusty, thank you so much for what you are doing. My young son has had three adrenal crises, and now has epilepsy which was most likely caused by a brain injury suffered during the first crisis. He just got out of the hospital today after a week of testing related to his epilepsy.

  6. Dusty, I've seeing plenty of photos from Naresh and Carl, and you're still smiling in every one. Fabulous job. Relentless forward progress!

    Terry Cash
