Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Last Supper

I'm not sure how this will work because I've never blogged from my phone.

After a surreal drive down a 2 track, in fog and drizzle, lead by John Price, 14 of us met at the finish to be transported to the start of the race. The ride was 8 hours long and much hillier than I had anticipated. We got here to the motel and had dinner with all of the runners. This dinner is called The Last Supper. The pictures are from dinner. We take the short bus to the start tomorrow morning at 630 am.

Psyche is my roommate tonight. I'm exhausted from the laughter. John P gave us detailed course info that I'm sure will prove to be helpful if I can remember it! Rich L is full of email encouragement.

Thanks to Paul for making this possible. I forgot to thank Bogie D in my last post for thaw training plan that got me here. Thanks Bogie!


  1. Run safe and if in doubt, keep your fingers close to the bear spray trigger :))

    xoxox Elise

  2. Good luck D, we're all rooting for you...!!

  3. Dusty, I am so proud of you, my friend. I have been a rotten friend this year, but I think of you so often. You rock and sparkle. You can do this race!

  4. Thanks Elise, Anon and Linda! Bus is leaving in 5 minutes for the start.

    Happy birthday Linda!!

  5. Thinking about you here in Seattle! Drink lots of Gatorade!

  6. I really enjoyed your blog posts, thank you.
