Monday, July 9, 2012

Training and Inspiration

Wanted to give thanks to those who constantly support me and listen to me when I tell them I'm going to do something dumb...again.

  • My husband, Paul, for everything and for putting up with me.  For not making me work so I could finish house projects and train for this (and Barkley) and for supporting me financially so I can eat and stay in a motel room while I'm doing this run.
  • Kim and Wanda for worrying about me and wanting to follow me to make sure I'm OK.
  • Bridget Lyons for having her yoga on line so I can keep doing yoga with her from 2,500 miles away and for getting me to love yoga in the first place.
  • Colleen W for getting me started streaking 2.5 years ago.
  • Steve Tursi for getting me to change my streak from walking a mile a day to running a mile a day.
  • Ashley for helping me love handstands and giving me excellent instruction as well as being very helpful with AI stuff.
  • Meara for her enthusiasm and for making me get my bikes in working order and for teaching me Turkish Get Ups.
  • Heather for being my tiara pusher and cheerleader.
  • Rich L for making me feel like a freaking Super Star.  Lora too.
  • All the people on AS Forum who cheer me on and who get out and do because I've inspired them.
  • A BIG THANK YOU to the gals at for their generosity and fantastic fun skirts and running clothes.
  • THANK YOU BOB at for socks that have changed my life and have made my feet happy for the last four years.
  • Jennifer and Jean, thanks for supporting me and letting me fund raise for AIU.
  • If I've forgotten anyone, I think of you often and thank you in my head.
Thanks to all for the support you've given me.



  1. Dusty - I'm eagerly anticipating following you through as you complete this epic race. Good luck, and don't forget - have fun.

  2. Dusty--We are SO grateful that you are doing this for AIU and for everyone with adrenal insufficiency. Your run and the associated publicity WILL save lives!

    Lots of prayers for a safe & healthy run!!
