Sunday, July 8, 2012

Updates and Gear

Please don't expect much from me as far as updates go.  I promise I will try to do my best.  

Apparently it will be like this:

it was fucking hot. all day. i hurt. my stomach feels like shit. i need to sleep. it hurts too bad to sleep. gotta go.

I'm not good at posting updates when I'm not tired.  We'll see how I do when I'm exhausted. 

I posted some links to where you can get updates on the race in the right hand side bar.

Everything is packed.  I'm ready to go.  Sweating and shaking and nervous.  I will hit the road tonight and stay with Heather and Dave.  Tomorrow, see my Aunt and Uncle and 100.5 year old grandma in Roanoke, Virginia.  The day after that, get close to the finish line.  Wednesday morning at 7 am, the short bus will take us to the start.  Thursday morning at 7 am we will pretend to be on the ferry for 20 minutes and at 7:20 am, July 12, the race starts!

If you're interested in seeing my gear list, here's a link to it.  I've ditched the umbrella (8 oz), bug spray (2 oz) and some unnecessary food items that weighed 5 oz.  There's potential for me to get rid of the flip flops (5 oz) but I'll wait a day to do that.  One thing I'm a little resentful about is that I need so much salt, pills and the injection kit.  Total weight of those items, nearly one pound.  Thanks to Mike Clelland for the spreadsheet idea.  It really helped my decide if I really needed something or now.  One of his books is called ULTRALIGHT BACKPACKIN' TIPS.  It's a great book for anyone who wants to have a lighter pack.  


  1. I'll be there with you all the way, Dusty!


  2. Be strong & persevere, I'll be thinking of you & sending good mojo your way!!! Love you, chick xo
